August 22, 2008

More Friday sparks

On 15 th August, we celebrated our Independence day. On that day, I asked some of my students, "What is independence ?". All of them gave an answer "swaathantryam" (the malayalam word for independence). But I repeated the question asking them to tell what it means to you. Most of them could not give me a reasonable answer. But some of them told me,  that it is about "freedom of doing anything anyway anytime anyhow .., as you like it".  

For them, independence is a state of "freedom, living as you like it" !  Do you agree ?

But for the media (particularly the advertisement media ) the term "freedom" is mostly expressed as below.

The pictures are from a magazine and a brochure respectively.  The messsage is "freedom', and the graphic is always of a girl jumping !

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