June 6, 2009


Our Maadhavikutty is no more. But she lives in our hearts, for ever.


Manmohanomics, as any economists would agree, is basically a game of Numbers !
That's why Manmohanji himself is a 'Number man" !!

{ from a Cartoon in Hindu }

June 5, 2009

Waiting !

Are you waiting for something or someone ? Uncertain timings ?
What best would you do then ?

Sleep OR Play a game on the mobile handset !! That's the best choice !

See here, two Medical representatives at a Doctor's place.

World Environment Day & Twin Konna.

Today is World Environment Day.

This is the story of two Konna trees. The twin Konnas, right in front of my home, were happy. And I too, as it gave me good shade (from the hot sun) and some greenery in my front yard (soothing to my eyes). But the happiness was short lived.
They had to be trimmed off their heads ! The electricity lines closeby demanded that. I had no option but to cut their heads. But I kept their headless body, the trunks.
And now, the nature is blessing me. New buds are coming up on from the truncated trunks. I hope they'll grow well and fast. I am in need of some protection from my Twin Konna.

Konna saves me, though I couldn't save the Konna.
Dear all, plant a tree a week. They will save you for years !
Let's all create our environment , a green and happy environment.