January 30, 2010

MS-DOS is multitasking !

MS-DOS was a single tasking single user Operating System for PCs. Right ?
MS-Windows is multi tasking multi user OS. right ?

Ok. But some of you would remember that the (not so ) humble MS-DOS was in effect multi tasking, had you used Framework III.


Framework was an Office suite, working on MS-DOS. It had a Word-processor, a Spreadsheet, a Database package, a Presentation package, and with a built in programming language 'FRED'.
You could use more than one of these simultaneously, on your DOS machine. Each application was a frame (a window ).  A virtual multitasking !!  Remember, this was even before MS-Windows appeared.

January 12, 2010

Newest words in dictionary

Here is a listing of a few “ newest words “  officially entered into English language.  You can see them in the Marriam Webster dictionary.

Vlog                Video Blog – Blog containing Video material.
Webisode        Web Episode. TV show that can be viewed through the web
Sock puppet    A false identity used for deceptive purposes.
Flash mob        A crowd that descend on a designated location to perform an event.
Lovacore         Person who eats only locally grown food.
Green collar     Jobs designed to help the environment.

More words are springing up… you’ll see them shortly in the official English.