October 18, 2012

New life

Hi all,
I am trying to give a new life to my BlogSite. I've just modified the looks. Though primarily I'll be writing my memories and thoughts at random,  I decided to present my personal particulars as well. You may not relish all those, but I thought I must make this blog more 'personal'. That's how my 'Services' too appear in this BlogSite. Kindly post a line as your comment.

Thank you all !

January 21, 2012

Replacing MS Windows

Have you ever thought of replacing your MS Windows ? May be,  on various reasons !
OK, but what will you replace your MS Windows with ??   May be the old DOS, or the new LINUX , or something of that sort.
But ISRO would replace their MS Windows with Aluminium Windows !  That's what a recent advt of ISRO says !!