September 19, 2008


I just read an article on "A motion powered phone charger". A new idea, the author says.

The system consists of a Lithium-Ion battery and a series of magnets and coils. The charger can be put in the purse. The charging will take place in the background, as the user moves. They are planning to build the system directly on to a mobile phone. This will lead to a self-powered mobile phone.

The magnets and coils would make the stuff bulkier and complex . I think a better design would be as below.

Use piezo crystals (may be an array of thin layers) embedded in the foot wear. As you walk (or put your feet moved), the piezos make a charge. Regulate this to the desired DC voltage. This could be used for charging your mobile battery. This may be suitably tailored to power all your mobile devices.. phone, music player, or even your laptop. This would be simpler, and less costly.

How'szzat ! If any of you are interested, please use this idea to make "auto powered" devices and make a billion(s). Remember, it's not a game !

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