April 7, 2008

Water - Recycling

Recycling water.
We depend on Kerala Water Authority for our ‘daily water’. We draw water from KWA water line, for all our ‘water needs’.{KWA, the authority on water, says, its all their properties- the water lines, the water meter ( for which you paid), and the water itself !). For drinking, bathing, washing, gardening, ..and for everything.
Water management experts suggest that we should save water, by recycling (because it seems there’s not enough water!). Water, used for washing, bath, etc. can be used again for other purposes like gardening. OK, That’s very fine. But how ?
Presently, all the waste water is sunk into pits. I don’t like water from my bathroom or kitchen ( and certainly not from toilets ) to be used directly in the garden or for car wash. My problem is how do I manage this ; how to clean /recycle / reprocess / purify for further use ? I am not inclined to install special filters or other plants ( I can’t invest any money or space ). Then, how do I ?
I request all to suggest me a simple method(s), without investing any money ( may be a couple of 100 rupees is OK ! ). Can someone ?

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