November 17, 2008

Government (women) employees - Looters ?

Today, it's about my neighbor lady ! Oh.. I have nothing personally against her; She is a stranger to me and vice versa.
This lady lives in a rented house, next door. She came here recently (may be on transfer from some other place !? ). She works in some Government office in this neighborhood (as told casually by another neighbor). She goes and returns by walk to her office. I have been watching her for the last few weeks, only to monitor her office going.

On a typical working day, she leaves home by 10.45/11.00 AM. She is back home positively before 12.30 noon. Then again she goes at by about 2.00/2.25 pm. And certainly before 5.00pm, she is back home.
I do not know in which office she works. She must be walking (slow and flowing) atleast 20 minutes to her office, since the nearest office complex is about 15/20 minutes away by walk.
On the week end, on Saturday, she leaves home only after 11.30 am, and does not return at all. This happens on Friday too, if Saturday is a holiday. On Monday, she goes by 11.30/11.40 am only.
I understand that this lady belongs to central Travancore area, and hence goes there every weekend and for every opportunity.
Last Friday, it was half day local holiday for the Govt staff here (on account of some local celebration !). Our lady left home at 11.40am, and returned only on this (Monday) morning.

May be, she takes a lot of leave for personal needs. But how many days leave are these "gumasthans" given ? Is there any attendance system in her office ? I doubt.

If atall this lady works in the office, it is for less than 3 hours a day. My gut feels say that this lady is not touching a piece of paper or pen for the work.

This lady is a true representative of the employees in our State Government offices. They all earn huge salaries, and other benefits. Public money is being looted away by these people.
I personally know, men are much better than the women, in this issue. Women are, in general, unproductive. When women are crying for eqality with men, why is that these ladies behave like this. They should work, and should be productive. They should work in their respective places, and should be honest to their work and the Organisation. These ladies should understand that they are taking the poor man's money (that's why I prefer to call them 'looters').

Those ladies, who are confident that they are honest and productive (and work for the huge salaries they loot away ) need not respond to my observations and these comments .

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