September 29, 2008

Piracy - CDs, Software

I am not talking of Software piracy. But it's on CD piracy.
Illegal copies of Audio and Video CDs are available in all cities. Mostly, it's the footpath vendors selling them. Ther are many takers !
I have here, two snaps from a park near the beach.


Temples on the foot-path

Our city Trivandrum has many "Tamil" characteristics. It's bacause of the closeness to Tamilnadu, and having a large Tamil population. One such characteristic is the presence of small temples, on the foot path !
Earlier, there was such a foot-path temple , at Pettah junction (opposite the Theatre). Over the years, inevitable changes did happen. The roads got widened, and many of such temples were vanished or shifted to convienient locations. But , the foot-path temple at Pettah, did get a more honorable place. I happened to see this last day, after a gap of about three years.
The temple is on the road side, just the foot path. It's grown well with a sign board and illuminated. It's a small room, the priest can just sit near the deity.
It's an "Amman Kovil". The name is interesting.. "Kaniyaatti Amman Kovil" ( കണിയാട്ടി അമ്മന്‍ കോവില്‍ ) .
I've here two snaps, for you to see.


September 28, 2008


Yes, BOSS ! Let's go for it BOSS !

Bharat Operating System Solutions (BOSS) is a Free Operating System (an essential software for your computers). Now it’s GNU/Linux version 3.0 is available with 18 Indian language options. It's for Indians !
C-DAC (Centre for Advanced Computing), creators of the “PARAM” super computers, has developed this free Operating System. BOSS is also powered with Bluetooth technology (enabling it to communicate wirelessly with other gadgets like laptops and mobiles). BOSS also has built-in features like a PDF viewer, and RSS feed reader, to edit documents.

Let's all go for BOSS (it's FREE ! ). Why pirate Windows ! ?

September 27, 2008

A few million 'Millionaire babus'

Making a few million 'Millionaire babus' – for a few votes more.

All Central Govt employees were laughing all the way to their banks, on Friday. 6PC has made most of them millionaires and the rest of them almost close to that. All the babus got their revised heavier than ever pay and arrears on Friday. A large chunk of public money is drained out on this account, for a few votes more (in the next elections coming).
As I had pointed out earlier, one out of every five babus may deserve this million. The other four…. are parasites, unproductive and are absolutely undeserving.
The “huge” benefits recommended by the 6PC has further been iced by the Government, before serving, irrespective of who does what. This is certainly a “huge” mistake on the part of the Government (who has the responsibility to do justice to all ).

Yesterday, one babu went to the bank, laughing all the way , as he was happy about the rewards he got. Another four babus joined him, laughing at the public, all the way !

Social security for the 'Old age'

Preparing for Old Age.

Editorial by BUSINESSLINE dated 27Sept, on the ‘Social security issues of the aged’ demands attention by all. Here are some of the points in the article.

Recent efforts to popularize the Reverse Mortgage Loans in the big cities are noteworthy. But they are not sufficient to address the economic needs of the elderly. RMLs provide an existence to the elderly who possess a house, but do not have a regular income to sustain themselves.

Most of India’s 4.7 million aged people (7.5% of the population in 2005) struggle to survive. This number is expected to rise to 141 million (or 10.2 % of population) by 2020. This situation could be worse, if a safety network is not in place.

A study by an Insurance company points out that only 24% of the households in our country have life insurance cover; the coverage of health and other forms are even lower. To extend life insurance, health insurance, old-age security and maternity benefits to the unorganized sector, pension reforms are a must and cannot be put off any longer.

Social security has remained the preserve of a few far too long. This should change. It is necessary to go beyond RMLs.

Is our Government doing its best (or at least something) for this ? 'Old' population may not be a factor for their power or votes. May be that’s why Government has been excessively liberal in feasting the Central Govt employees. Of course they did good to the Central Govt pensioners too. But think of those 422 million workers who are not covered under any of these kind of social security measures. The ‘unjustified’ part of this huge amount should have gone to that 422 million. Then that would be justice !


September 24, 2008

Life and Death

How to live wise and worthy ?
Recently I happened to read on life and death, and their meaning. We find some people live a meaningful life and die happy. As many might think to probe, I too had the doubt as to 'how to be happy in life and then die'? How to make my life worthy, for me and others. One of the books point out the value of time as a basic knowledge one must posses.
When we are born, our clock starts ticking. We are given a limited and undefined amount of time. This short and uncertain amount of time can be spent in unlimited ways with unlimited number of choices on how to use the time. The choices that we make , ultimately decides our life. Knowledge and wisdom are the two sides of the same coin. Knowledge is the accumulation of information. Wisdom is our ability to choose the right information and decide our choices. Therefore, we should discover what's for us, and choose that. Then the knowledge becomes meaningful.
Living a life is extremely important. Else it's just vegetating, like the animals, plants and other living organisms.
We also should be aware that our life has a definite but uncertain end, the death. If we lived for ever, we could have taken everything slowly, and irrespective of time. But that's not the case. The death - that's our end- traces our own passage over time. Death follows you, always as your own shadow. That doesn't mean, be prepared for death any moment. But, just be aware, so that you live your life and then face death.
We all doesnot like the word 'die' or death. We all, knowingly, shield ourselves from this truth.
For living a meaningful life, the deeds should be meaningful and useful to you and all.

Manufactured Termination of Progress (MTP)

Killing babies, even before their birth, goes on. Medically, that's called MTP (Medical Termination of Pregnancy). Reasons may be different and many. That's not my point now.

What I am referring to this MTP is the killing of 'Industries' in India. I would call this too MTP, "Manufactured Termination of Progress".

The killing is almost over in Singur. The Bengal Tigress is now successful, it seems, in killing the Singur Nano project. It's manufactured ! Progress of Singur (and Bengal) is being terminated !

Now in Kerala, another planned killing is just on. The Vizhinjam project. A few local residents ( certainly with the support of some politicians) is on the process. ( I can understand their resettlemnt issues). Being unable to recognise what it is, and what good it will do to them, they demand that the Project be taken away to the Himaalayaas (where there is lot of unused land !).

With the killing of the CEO of an Italy-based company yesterday, at Noida, another MTP is on.

All these killings are planned. and that's what disturbs me.


September 23, 2008

Guruvayoor Kalyanam - Part 2

Please see my earlier posts on 'Guruvayoor Kalyanam'. Here is the second part of Guruvayoor Kalyanam. Please watch.

Guruvayoor kalyanam - Part 1

Thank God, here is the Part 1 of "Guruvayoor kalyanam". Part 2 will follow . You may kindly read my earlier original post on the topic.

September 22, 2008

Duo, Quad, and now Hexa. Not Octa ?

Duo, Quad, and Hexa. Not Octa ?

Computers are a game of 2. After DUO and QUAD, I thought the OCTA would come ! Then, how come HEXA ?

I had this doubt last day, when I read the news that Intel just designed their six-in-one processor. The report says, the world’s first 6-in-1 processor has been completely designed and developed in India. Intel’s Bangalore centre had designed the latest in their Xeon series. Xeon 7400 has 1.9 billion transistors in it, and drives SIX separate cores. This would be used in high-end, server type computers.

Intel, can I expect Octa shortly ? Or is it HexDesi ? What’s next in your journey to TERA cores ?


What IS time ? And the Corpus clock.

What's Time ?
What's so great about this question ! Look at the watch and you know what's the time. Sorry, I am not asking you to tell me the time. But I am asking you " What IS time ?".
May be this too difficult a question to answer. That's true.. it's very difficult, as we haven't understood what time is . The best person in this world to answer this question is Prof. Stephen Hawking, the famed cosmologist. { Did you read his 'A brief History of Time' ? }
That's the exact reason why Prof.Stephen Hawking unveiled a very special and unique time piece , the "Corpus Clock". The news reports also were very interesting. One report about this new fantastical million-pound timepiece at Cambridge University, titled the news :
"Now, the clock that eats time".

The Corpus Clock is invented and built by John Taylor. It's not just a device to tell you the time. It's a phylosophical expression of many concepts.

More on the clock that eats time, will follow.


Ageing country : Challenges ahead

Our ‘ageing country’ !

Let me invite your attention to an article in the Magazine section of ‘The Hindu’ last Sunday (21 Sept, 2008). A very thought provoking article on the urgent need for a 'safety net' , an accurate public health policy in the senior care field. The author HENDI LINGIAH (a clinical psychologist, France) points out that, as we become an “ageing country”, senior health care becomes more critical. Though the article is particularly with reference to the Alzheimer’s Disease and its issues, it’s relevant in its global sense. I shall quote from the article :

The percentage of persons aged above 60 in India has been rising steadily over the last decades. In fact, in 2001, its proportion exceeded 7.5%, defining a country as an ‘ageing country’ according to the UN definition and is expected to reach 8.9% by 1016. But the increase of life expectancy goes with the increase of age-related diseases and developing countries are not spared. The number of people above the age of 60, suffering for and searching for care, domiciliary services, specific treatments, and specific answers to their needs will increase. Consecutively, the lack of specific structures would lead to discontent. Hence the need to implement a sound public health policy in the field of senior care.

Today, it is estimated that more than 50% of people with Alzheimer’s disease live in developing countries. Meanwhile, when developed countries have more care alternatives available for a less number of elderly people, they are also trying to improve the current public health system with the aim of anticipating their growing ageing population.



Properly planning and the implementation of a public health policy regarding support for the elderly has today become a necessity : the recognition of the early symptoms of dementia, patterns of interventions, research on the diseases, drug and non-drug therapies, infrastructures, professional practices, home care giver’s trainings, ..etc..

This is a challenge for the developing countries, if they want to avoid, in the coming years, the increase in the number of sick elderly persons and severe cases due to insufficient early detection and solutions provided at an affordable cost.

Are we prepared to face these challenges, personally and as a society ? Are we concerned about this ? Is our Government listening and doing something ? What best can we do about the whole issue ? Please think over, and put your views.


September 20, 2008

Mindines - the future species

Recent scientific and technological news stresses much on the developments in the 'intellectual' technology and related areas. The rate of technology developments (growth, advancements) is accelerating exponentially. These developments suggest that the Machines would overtake Humans in their reasoning abilities (read intellectual abilities) in the near future. The present gap in this ability among the machines and humans is being bridged by the new technologies. The wire-free power transmission technology from Intel, USA, is one such great leap of Technology. The gap, it looks, would be closed in another two decades. Once fully bridged, machines would equal Humans in their intellectual abilities, and performance. Those future species of machines, possessing human intellectual skills, can be called "Mindines".

are not just "mind machines". They are not 'Robots' either. They are machines with human skills and abilities. The next quarter of this century will be Mindines' !


September 19, 2008


I just read an article on "A motion powered phone charger". A new idea, the author says.

The system consists of a Lithium-Ion battery and a series of magnets and coils. The charger can be put in the purse. The charging will take place in the background, as the user moves. They are planning to build the system directly on to a mobile phone. This will lead to a self-powered mobile phone.

The magnets and coils would make the stuff bulkier and complex . I think a better design would be as below.

Use piezo crystals (may be an array of thin layers) embedded in the foot wear. As you walk (or put your feet moved), the piezos make a charge. Regulate this to the desired DC voltage. This could be used for charging your mobile battery. This may be suitably tailored to power all your mobile devices.. phone, music player, or even your laptop. This would be simpler, and less costly.

How'szzat ! If any of you are interested, please use this idea to make "auto powered" devices and make a billion(s). Remember, it's not a game !

Alternate Energy Sources

Sometime back, I've posted an interesting news ... About using insect poops as a source of energy. I had mentioned the use of cow dung as a domestic fuel. Now, here is a photograph on the topic (appeared in today's Hindu). I've here, this picture. But you may note that it's not just the flood fallout, it's a regular feature of many of our villages in India.

Cloudy Coconut trees

The coconut trees in this part of the country, it looks, are in a problem. I find most of these trees are infected by some kind or the other diseases. Look at my neighbor tree and the cloudy backdrop.

Yoga : cats too do that

Cats are very interesting. Here is my neighbor, who spends most of his time in our home.

My neighbor with his friend , on a feast. They are good chumchas...

My cat friend knows Yoga. He does it everyday in the Afternoon... In our sunshade... Look some poses here...

Oh... name of these Yoga poses ? Sorry, I'll ask my cat friend and get back to you !

September 17, 2008

Purse and Pocket

Why do most men keep their (money) purse in their back pocket?
Is that the only place ? No !
Is that the most convenient ? No !
Is it the most safe place ? No !

Just because there’s a rear pocket? Yes. Else you would not have kept your purse there ! If that’s so, where should you keep your purse ?

Front (pants) pocket ? No.. That’s inconvenient, though safe.
Front (shirt) pocket ? No, that’s not safe either, though convenient.

Then where else ? Where do you keep your purse ?

I think the best solution is 'not to have a purse at all'. The second best solution is to place the purse in an inner (with zib) pocket in the shirt front flap.

May be, you can suggest another !

Guruvaayoor Kalyanam

I am sorry gentlemen ! I have been trying to upload a 1 1/2 min video on 'Guruvaayoor Kalyanam'. But my "Narrowband" VSNL connection ditches me everytime.
But, I won't leave off here. I'll continue to try over again ...!!

September 15, 2008

In search of GOD

In search of God !

I have here, excerpts of a Press Report on CERN’s Particle Collider Tests. Please tell me if you feel 'dark' about the whole thing. But, you may .. unless you are a Physicist !

The biggest Physics experiment in the history.
World’s largest particle collider (Large Hadron Collider) ; Tests with two beams of Proton fired in opposite directions at close to the speed of light.
Proton beams fired through a 27 Km long underground ring.
Aims to recreate conditions a split second after the Big bang ( the massive explosion that created the universe).
The purpose of all these tests is to understand the makeup of the Universe.
Could reveal more about “dark matter”, anti-matter and possibly hidden dimensions of space and time.
Could find evidence of the hypothetical particle – the Higgs boson – called “God particle”.
The God particle gives mass to all other particles , and thus to matter that makes up the universe.

It is feared that the collision of protons could eventually imperil the earth by creating micro-black holes, sub atomic versions of collapsed stars whose gravity is so strong they can suck in planets and other stars.

Oohh.... My God, what should I do ? I shall pray God ... But where is God ? Let the Collider test results come... May be they'll find out the 'God particle'.

Sixth Pay Commission recommendations

In continuation to my earlier note on the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations, (notwithstanding, do you smell Govt language ? ), let me make it clear that I am not commenting on the Defence Services. I am not aware of and hence incompetent to comment on their payment structure. However, I know that their service conditions are entirely different from the 'Babus and scientists'; and they deserve the raise offered by Government.

The hug

This picture may not reveal what exactly I wanted to tell you. However, let me put the picture, though not fully communicatiove.
A banyan tree grows on another tree .. hugging it.

September 13, 2008

Sixth Pay Commission Recommendations :Demotivators

Sixth Pay Commission recommendations : The biggest blunder of the decade.

6PC recommendations are a case of injustice. Before going into details, let me say ‘sorry’ to my colleagues (with whom I worked) in a Central Govt establishment.

Before I talk on the biggest case of blunder and injustice of the decade, let me remind you of another blunder and injustice. Sometime back, our Government had proclaimed a Himalayan blunder, viz. writing off over 75000 crores of loans in the agricultural sector, under the cover of helping the poor. I had earlier put my views on this mistake and injustice.

Now, it's the turn of the PayCommission. The 6PC has indeed done a blunder. The Commission had decided to use the “parity with private sector” as a key parameter for their decisions. Good idea, but…

In private sector, we all know that salaries are “huge”. But they pay huge to those who are skilled and productive. Private sector pays well to the productive ones, not laggards. Yes, I agree with the idea of paying ‘huge’ for all those who contribute well. The private sector have a system of continuously rating the performance ( dynamic performance apparaisal ). If the employees don’t perform, they don't pay. Thus the principle is “pay for the job done”. That's very fair too.

In Government offices and establishments, I do agree that the employees should get parity with their private sector brothers. That’s why 6PC recommended such huge salaries. That’s a welcome change.But, what’s the truth? The huge salaries are paid to all. Even to the (80 % ?) misfit, unproductive and unskilled employees. The rest, (20 %) of the employees do their best, and are the drivers of the organisation. They, certainly, deserve this increase. 6PC should have raised the salaries, with just one condition. The employee should be sufficiently skilled and productive.

Now, 6PC has insulted the 'good performers', by paying equally to the unproductive parasites too. This is a serious injustice. For rewarding the productive (20%) employees, 6PC has recommended to reward laggards and thus drain out the public money. (Worsen than the agricultural ‘write-off’ case ).The government further increased the Commission recommended figures !

I have any number of examples to show the unskilled ( professional illiterates) earning what they don’t deserve. Why should the public bear these dummies or parasites ? The 6PC recommendations should be reviewed. Any money that’s spent should be linked with the productivity of who takes the money.

Can anyone think of a person who is Manager of ‘scientific data processing’, but knows nothing about the Computers ? Can you think of a person who is unaware of HR basics and practices being an HR executive ? Can you think of a turner (tradesman) who haven't touched a machine for the last 18 years ? I can show you many more. This all happens in our Govt establishments. These are the people getting so huge salary hikes !

Fact remains that the salaries paid to 80% of the employees are a waste. Not only that, they are sufficient domotivators to the productive ones. Those 20 % ( you can easily find them out) should be paid at higher rates. But the rest 80% should not be paid so. If that’s paid, that 20% is demotivated, and is an injustice. Thus the very purpose of the Pay Commission is lost. Thus 6PC recommendations are not logical and wise. By paying those non-performers so huge salaries, the nation is cheated. Equality with (parity with) private sector is necessary. Not only in salary, but parity in all employment factors are required.

Pay must be linked with the performance. When equal pay is given for performers and non-performers, then that’s injustice. That’s why 6PC recommendations and what Govt did, are not right.

May be that the Government aims only at the votes, in the next election. Who wants productivity ? Who is worried about public money ? Certainly not the 6PC and the approving Govt , it looks.

Onam drinking ( ഓണക്കുടി)

For all Keralites, "Onasadya" (Onam feast, ഓണസദ്യ ) is so important and is a part of the celebration. But now, no one seems to be very particular on this. But "onakkudi" (ഓണക്കുടി) is the major celebration.

Yesterday, all shops and establishments were closed. But all outlets of 'Beverages Corporation' were open and did a soaring (roaring !) business throughout the day.

The picture shows an outlet , in a rural area in central Travancore. Most of those seen at the crowd were young ones , and the middle/working class ! Are we Keralites making a social change (shift from the moral values ?).

Red and Green

The composition of Red and Green is so contrasting. It grasps anyone's attention. Looks so beautiful... and sharp !

Murder continued

The nature was weeping throughout these days. It was on Monday and Tuesday last. The incident is the cruelty of mankind against trees. But I know, it can't help. There is no better choice than cutting off. and that happened.
At the VJT hall junction, in front of the University College, on the foot path, stood the trees, with majestic looks. They were killed last day. The pictures show their body being removed from the road ! And the tears pour even now !

Village scenes

"The eternal pathway'

Villages are not only beautiful, but also silent and serene. I happened to be in a village last day (Mid-Travancore). Look.. how beautiful they are... I could enjoy the sweet honey !

September 10, 2008

Onam for the Palm Tree

Onam is festival of 'plenty' . The Palm tree, in front of the VJT Hall, also symbolises that.

Cenema @ School

Include Cenema (film making and film appreciation ) in the school syllabus. Says a minister. An excellent suggestion ! ( Everything else is already taught !).

September 8, 2008

ONAM Greetings

Browser wars

The beta version of Internet Explorer8 is just released (by MicroSoft). Google released their browser "Chrome", last day, into the browser arena.
IE, FireFox, Opera, and now Chrome ! Each one of them has specialities. Google, with their Chrome, is the latest entrant into the world of browsers.

But the problem for us is to choose the one for use.

The wounded lamb Nano and the Bengal Tigress

The Bengal Tigress did attempt to kill the Nano lamb. But the big guns could scare away the tigress. However, the lamb is seriously wounded. Survival is yet uncertain. Let's all pray for the Nano lamb.

September 7, 2008

Politrics of Trinamool

I don't like to comment on the political games of our (great !) leaders. Moreover, I am really scared of these guys. But today, I have a comment.
This is about Ms.Mamta Banerji (she is called 'Bengal Tigress !). I wonder, for whom does she fight for ? And for what ? I am sure, it's not for the villagers at that 400 acres of land at Singur.
Another point I've been wondering is about the meaning of "trinamool'. What does it mean ? To me, I understand it as : Trinam means grass ( तृणं ), and mool refers to value ( मूल ). So, trinamool must be meaning 'having value of grass' (that means, 'of no value' ).
Then my doubt is, why do people of Bengal not treating 'Trinamool' appropriately ? They can easily pluck off and get rid of this grass of no value.


ONAM... ! ?

I have nothing much to tell you about Onam. However, I request you to visit my blog :

Whatever little I have for you is there. Please go ahead to :

September 5, 2008

Dear ALL,

"Tiruvananthapuram aka Trivandrum". That's my new blog, just for you ALL.
May I invite you ALL to visit this blog on "Tiruvananthapuram". Yet another one on Trivandrum ?
No.. this is certainly different. You'll get a lot and short about Trivandrum. City scenes, criticisms, beauty, flora and fona, and ... everything about Trivandrum. Please come along !

Babu and Pay Commission

Hi..Hi..Hi.. What do you say ? This cartoon is from 'Business India' magazine. It speaks all.
I request all of you to think over the message (not just smile or laugh it off ! ) It says a lot .. hey na Singhji ?

September 2, 2008

A T M signs

The signs on an ATM. What's the message ?

Abhinav Bindra : Gainers and Losers

Abhinav Bindra, the golden gainer, says he is a "loser". Confused ? Then read on..
A press report says, Bindra considers himself a loser in life as he has done nothing except shooting at ranges. "All my life has been shooting. I have done nothing in my life. I am quite a loser. I just sleep, run, and do nothing except shooting ... Sport is one part of life. there are so many other things to life but I have done nothing" ... he says.

Dear Bindra,
If you have realised the fact (what you said), then you are right. Life is much more than just sport. But, you are a gainer. You have done a great thing, that too at this age. Now, you have all your life with you to do more.. and ...more. Do it ! Do it different. Be happy that you have everything with you, conducive to doing many things. So, DO IT ! Please be happy that you are not one among the millions who just vegetate, and lose their total life.
Bindra, you are great. You know your inner ! You have placed at the peak of the motivational triangle. You are now motivating yourself for better achievements. And you will gain !

But more than suggestions to Bindra, I looked into myself. What did I gain ? Nothing... I have been vegetating all this life.. all these years. Being a government servant (I hate to call that myself ) for over three dacades doesn't mean anything. It was a total loss... loss of life.. and I gained nothing... But I've some more life left out (I believe). So, I must do something better and gain my life.

September 1, 2008

Ram Ram or Allah Allah

I've a suggestion , to everyone. Please read the excerpts of an interview , published in the latest issue of "The Week". The interviewee is : Leela Karan Sharma, Head of Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samithi. Let me quote just one statement :
"Whether you say Ram Ram or Alla Allah, it makes no difference. But you have to love your country".

Any disagreement ?


I am now confused ! What's loss ?
Loss .. is it what you missed to earn ?
is it what you lost something what you already had ?
is it what has been taken away by someone ?
Or is it all that ? Please don't tell me "it depends !"

The 'feel good' factor

I feel miserable ! On some days, sometime ! I don't get the 'feel good' factor !
What should I do to get that 'feel good' sensation ? I am on the lookout for a 'good feel'. But how do I, where do I ?
Oh.. dear... please don't tell me to pray ! Don't tell me to go for the 'bottled feel good'. What else could I do ? Where ? How ? for that 'feel good' status .

Mohanlal with "Hedge and Hegde"

Last day, there was a news that our Superstar Mohanlal is venturing into Investments business. The name of the Company is "Hedge Securities". Among other reputed partners, there's one Mr.Hegde too . Mr.Hegde of Hedge Securities ! The name attracted me, and reminded me of my early career days.
During 1971, when I was working in the TELEX EXCHANGE at Bangalore, I had an interaction with one Mr. Hegde. ('Hegde' is a Kartnataka name ). If I remember right, he was the Telex operator with Mico or Hotel Askok ! ? ?. When I interact with him over the teleprinters, I used to type his name as "Hedge". It was not intentional, but it so happened that my fast typing was always coming as 'Hedge'. He tried to correct me once. However, I continued with 'Hedge'. But, honestly, that was unintentional. Later, he picked up (or did I ?) many fights with me (through the teleprinter). He, then lodged a complaint with my boss. I apologised for my mistake. I believe, my boss realised that it was a mistake on my part, and not intended to hurt him.

Sorry Mr.Hegde, did I hurt you ? I didn't mean to do so. It happened so.. Mr. Hegde, where are you now ?

ORKUT is .......

Orkut - the most popular social networking site. May be, but my view on Orkut is not that tasty.
The young Orkutians may not agree with me, and may feel that I'm a misfit for recognizing the great Orkut. May be, it's the generation gap !
I feel uncomfortable when I see or hear about Orkut. To me, Orkut is a centre of "mis-socialising' activities. May be there are a few, but I have not come across anyone using Orkut for a useful and positive purpose. Most of what I had seen or hear doesnot have a 'right moral track'. I don't dare to call all that "immoral", though. I am not knowledgeable about other social networking sites, and so I don't comment on them.
Trivandrum has a particular slang for its speech. If I use this, Orkut is a "vaalikut" ! A stupid way of wasting the precious time. { Vaali means a rougue, and kut means friendship }.