What's so great about this question ! Look at the watch and you know what's the time. Sorry, I am not asking you to tell me the time. But I am asking you " What IS time ?".
May be this too difficult a question to answer. That's true.. it's very difficult, as we haven't understood what time is . The best person in this world to answer this question is Prof. Stephen Hawking, the famed cosmologist. { Did you read his 'A brief History of Time' ? }
That's the exact reason why Prof.Stephen Hawking unveiled a very special and unique time piece , the "Corpus Clock". The news reports also were very interesting. One report about this new fantastical million-pound timepiece at Cambridge University, titled the news :
"Now, the clock that eats time".
The Corpus Clock is invented and built by John Taylor. It's not just a device to tell you the time. It's a phylosophical expression of many concepts.
More on the clock that eats time, will follow.
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