August 3, 2008

Hygiene factors

Today’s “The Hindu” has an article titled “Hygiene hypothesis and the perils of being squeaky clean”.
The article presents, based on a study by American Journal of Gastroenterology, a few interesting findings.

Children who grow up in spick-and-span home may have a higher risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD is a chronic inflammation of the intestines, leading to abdominal pain and diarrhea, and caused due to the overreaction of the immune system. This is an allergic disease.

The study says that :
Children who are exposed to viruses and other microorganisms (like in a daycare centre) are less likely to develop allergies than their peers.
Its about how hygienic a child’s upbringing was, including no of siblings and whether rural or urban. 
Those with one sibling are two to three times more likely to have IBD than with five or more siblings.

Those living in urban settings are 38% more likely to suffer from IBD then their counterparts.

I remember to have read , a few years ago, about a similar finding on Asthma (another allergic disease).

What does this suggest us ? Expose the children to harmless microbes to help regulate their immune system. In simple words, let children live in a bit of dirt !

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