A few months back, the main news (sensational) for over a month was about encroachments. People with money and muscle power grabs Government (its everyone's, its ours) property (at Munnar and other places). That included political parties too. In my view too, such encroachments are not right. Those people who grabbed our properties should be punished, and all the properties should be recovered. But I am of the opinion that the encroachments at Munnar and other places are very minor.
Look at the encroachments here in this City ! Why are the authorities closing their eyes to very serious encroachments, right in the heart of our city ? Some people, for their personal gains, are encroaching public places (property). Not only that they enjoy the public property as if their own, they make lot of trouble to others living here. If you compute the financial value of these encroachments, those at Munnar or elsewhere are nothing !
Look at the photographs. A set of traders have encroached half the main road ! Its not footpath traders ! Had it been the footpath encroachments, it would have affected (making losses to) the pedestrians only. But, half the road width is encroached.. It seroiusly affects the normal traffic !! It makes losses (of various kinds) to everyone !!
Why are the authorities closing their eyes ? Why are they so irresponsible ? Are these not encroachments ?
Let me repeat. These encroachments in the public road are far more serious, troublesome and loss making to the public, than multi-acre encroachments in the hills. These encroachments are by looters; they are not just vendors, they make a killing on the road.
This should not be allowed. At the same time, I am not against those vendors making their daily bread. They should be helped. But it should not be at the cost of others. The authorities should make a suitable market place and offer them at nominal rent ( not for free, since they make huge money in the road).
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