Pakistan is very unique. It doesnot have an exact border. You may see a territorial entity (with a border drawn) on a map. But, as you know, a country is much more than its territorial entity. For Pak, it’s much more relevant.
Pakistan, in addition to its territorial entity (with disputed borders), also has a virtual entity. Part of Pak, as a virtual country, still resides in India. That’s why the geographical borders are irrelevant. Pak has an internal presence in India, through a very minor sect of the population, spread all over. The reverse, however, is not true.
India lives with an enemy within. All other countries, if at all they have, have their enemies outside their territorial boundaries. It then, is easier to manage. But it’s different here in India. As long as this ‘venomous viral infection’ is present, India cannot be peaceful. Being virtual, conventional methods of driving these enemies away are not feasible. We are to think of a new methodology to cure this infection and attack. You all know that, being built in to our society, we can't drive away the “Pak Operating system” from our country. Therefore, the methodology should be something different, to eradicate the Paki viruses from India.
Pak presence in India is like “kaalakoodam”. The killer venom is still in the throat of Lord Shiva, he can’t swallow it, nor spit out. That’s exactly how the “green kaalakoodam” should be dealt with. Make it inert and ineffective, but still bearing it all along. You have no other choice. This being present virtually, a new ‘social management methodology’ may have to be evolved. Let our ‘sociologists’ think of a solution. Military power, for sure, is not the solution (being internally infected.. you can't strike yourself), though it may reduce the killer power for sometime.
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