Prices of everything is soaring.. Our local thattu kada (tea-shop) fellow also increased the price of all his items, last day. A ‘sada chai’ (just about 120 millilitre sandal coloured sweet-like tasting, just hot water, served in a dirty glass, …that’s what it is !) is 3 ½ rupees ! A thallipoli coffee is 6 rupees !! My god…. What’s this ? Look at his latest price list above.
Why have they increased the prices ? I asked the kada-man. He says “Everything has gone up. So, I too increased the prices. No one complained so far.” He looked at me in the ‘Trivendrum” style and asked: “Have you not read the papers ? Then, what’s your problem ?” .
Yeah, what’s my problem ? I am addicted to take one or two cups of coffee a day ! That’s my problem !!
So what ? Pay it and take it ! ( Not take it and pay it !!).
Almost 40 % increase in prices, in a single shot !! How can I pay ? I can’t afford that. No one pays me 40 % extra; not even 1 % extra; But my customers pay me mostly 50% less !! ( I am selling knowledge and skills ! It seems that’s the cheapest here).
And now on Customer Satisfaction .
And at the great broadband provider and telephone company.
There’s a large display, with eye catching graphics, right at their reception. It says : Customer addition is as important as customer retention”.
I spent a few minutes searching for the line – “Customer satisfaction is equally (or more) important”. But I could not see any !
I didn’t ask anyone to locate that display. I am not inclined to hear “go to hell..”
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