We all make money transactions everyday, for something or the other. That's with currency notes and coins. We certainly count the currency, when me pay or receive. Infact, we don't watch for the printed denomination. We, right at the look, (by it's color and size) recognise the amount. That's very natural and convenient. But for the coins, now we really look at the denomination embossed on it. This has become essential these days (unlike earlier days) , as many coins of different denominations look similar. We all used to feel the coins, (without looking at it ) and pay. But that resulted in losses, many many times { Everyone complains of the 50 ps coin and the small 5 Re coin }. That made me too look at the coins, every time, and every transaction.
Now, that too has changed. You have to closely watch for the shape, size, and denomination on each coin. That's because, now there are many coins of the same size and look, but have different values. At the top of all, now there are coins to confuse you totally ! The number embossed in big letters are NOT the denominations. That number refers something else !
See the picture of the 5 Re coin. On one side, the number 50 is embossed very big. But that's not the denomination. On the other side, there's a small number '5' embossed. That's the denomination. The '50' is for the 50th year of ONGC's birth !
I feel, the denomination of the coin must be the most prominent, and beyond any doubts. Any commomoration is OK, but any number on the coin should not be misguiding.
Of late, I thing the 'coin designers' at our "Reserve Bank Mint" have lost the basic common sense of coins. They should think of the common man using them !